Annie Sloan

When Annie Sloan developed her unique decorative paint, Chalk Paint ­™, over 25 years ago, she revolutionised painting. Frustrated with the lack of paint options available at the time, she created her signature paint – with its remarkable versatility and ease of use – for the DIY enthusiast as well as the professional painter.


Chalk Paint® is a unique decorative paint developed by Annie Sloan in 33 decorative and historical colours made specifically for painting furniture, painting floors, and for giving walls a completely matt, velvety finish.
Chalk Paint® sticks to just about any surface… wood, concrete, metal, matt plastic, earthenware and much more, inside and outside the home. It dries fast too so you can add second or third coats quickly, and start enjoying your revitalised, floors and furniture sooner. Gorgeous results have never been so simple and straightforward.
100ml is perfect for small projects like a chair, a side table, picture frames, lamp bases, a small cabinet etc. 1litre covers 13m2.

For painting furniture you will need wax to finish and you may also want to try crackle varnish, gilding materials and decoupage varnish.
To help understand how to use Soft Wax with Annie Sloan’s unique range of decorative paint, Chalk Paint®, as well as achieving different finishes, pop in to the shop and see where we can give you all the guidance needed.

You can also visit Annie’s YouTube channel or refer to one of Annie Sloan’s recent books, such as ‘Colour Recipes for Painted Furniture and More’ which well sell in the shop, as well as all of the other products in the range.




1 litre pot – £18.95

Tester pot – £5.95

Clear wax – £8.95

Dark wax – £8.95

Brushes – from £12.95

Lacquer – £24.95

Books – from £12.99
